The Machame route also referred to as the Whiskey route, is one of the most popular routes on Kilimanjaro and a favorite for Travelcation Africa Safaris.

Despite being a tough climb compared to the Marangu route, the Machame route has one of the highest summit success rates given the topography of the route which allows climbers to “trek high & sleep low” hence making it a more favorable route for acclimatization.

Unlike the Marangu Route which is a gradual ascent, the Machame route has steeper trails and climbers walk longer distances. This route offers some of the most spectacular scenery while on the mountain.

The Machame route starts on the southwest side of the mountain and proceeds steeply north, traversing the Shira plateau and eventually joining the Shira and Lemosho routes at the Shira camp.

Popular Packages to the Summit



Climb Kilimanjaro Machame Route 6 Days

The most beautiful and scenic of the various routes up Mount Kilimanjaro.


Climb Kilimanjaro Machame Route 7 Days

The most beautiful and scenic of the various routes up Mount Kilimanjaro.