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Arusha is a popular destination for day trips as is the closest Tanzanian National Wildlife Park to both the famous “safari town” of Arusha (29 km) and even from Moshi (65 km), as well as the Kilimanjaro International Airport, and easy for arranging the day tour to the park.

The park includes the slopes, summit, and ash cone of Mt. Meru, the Momela Lakes, Ngurdoto Crater, and the lush highland forests that blanket its lower slopes. Game viewing around the Momela Lakes is at a laid-back and quiet pace, and while passing through the forest many visitors stop to search for troupes of rare colobus monkeys playing in the canopy. It is a small park of about (137 sq km) but a beautiful African park, not only is the wildlife in the Arusha National Park abundant, but it is also one of the most beautiful and topographically varied game reserves in Tanzania.

The African Arusha National Park’s three most significant features include the rugged Mount. Meru (Tanzania’s second-highest peak at 4566m), the notably different colored Momela Lakes, and the 3km wide Ngurdoto Crater, which was formed about fifteen million years ago! The varied and beguiling animals and flora found in this game reserve are mainly determined by the different altitudes and geography of these 3 “zones”.Climbing Mt. Meru or enjoying the smaller trails that criss-cross its lower slopes is a popular activity for visitors to Arusha National Park.

Arusha National Park

The three-day trek to reach the crater’s summit is a quieter, and some say more challenging alternative than the famous peak of nearby Mount Kilimanjaro. Along the lower slopes, the paths to rivers and waterfalls create a relaxing day hike for visitors who don’t want to attempt the rather arduous climb. Ancient fig tree forests, crystal clear waters cascading from mountain streams, and a chance to spot colobus monkeys are the attractions and pleasures of Arusha National Park.

Colobus Monkeys Arusha National Park


The Momella Lakes are inside the Arusha National Park area in a series of different seven shallow lakes: Kusare, Rishateni lake, Big Momella, Small Momella, El Kekhotoito, Lekandiro, and Tulusia. Alkaline lakes with considerable algae growth, each of these lakes is a different shade of green or blue. While the water is not suitable for drinking, it is possible to see a variety of birds (including flamingos) and animals such as waterbucks, giraffes, zebras, and dik-diks in the surrounding area. It is on Small Momella Lake that canoeing safaris are possible.

Canoeing_ Arusha National Park


This swampy crater is inhabited by a large variety of animals and is a popular stop for game drives. When visiting the crater, there have possibilities to see different animals like the Warthogs, Buffalo, different species of Antelopes, elephants, monkeys, baboons, black and white Colobus Monkeys, and a number of different bird species. The crater is surrounded by the Ngurdoto Forest, a shady expanse that is home to playful black and white colobus monkeys. Nearby is Serengeti Ndogo (Little Serengeti), an expansive grassland where herds of zebras can be seen throughout the year.


Overlooking the Ngurdoto Forest with its population of black and white colobus monkeys, the Ngurdoto Museum houses an impressive collection of examples of the various animals, birds, and insects that can be found within the park.


The only freshwater lake in Arusha National Park, Lake Longil is a popular watering hole for buffaloes and waterbucks.


A former lookout point during tribal wars on the past between the Meru tribe and Maasai, in which the hill was used as the viewpoint to look for the enemies before the attack. With its big waterfalls, Tululusia Hill nowadays is popular as a hiking and camping area that affords visitors an excellent view of the lower reaches of the Arusha National Park as well as Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.
This heavily forested region of the park is home to elephants, buffalo, baboons, pigs, colobus monkeys, the red duiker, suni, leopards, hyenas( big hyena are found in this park because of less number of big cats, hyenas can hunt and having plenty of food with less competition from another carnivore) and even tree-dwelling pythons.


A distinctive natural arch formed by a fig tree, this intriguing feature of the landscape has grown into an arch large enough for a car or an elephant to pass under.


Birdlife is abundant, with around 400 species recorded in the park. Raptors are common at higher altitudes. Like many in the Rift Valley, the seven spring-fed Momella Lakes are shallow and alkaline and attract a wide variety of wading birds, including year-round flamingos. Due to their varying mineral content, each lake supports a different type of algal growth, which gives them different colors. Birdlife varies quite distinctly from one lake to another, even when they’re only separated by a narrow strip of land. Watch for raptors such as the Augur Buzzard and Verreaux’s eagle soaring on the thermals above Ngurdoto. The park’s bird population increases dramatically when migratory birds arrive around November; they usually stay until April. In the forests, highlights include turacos and trogons.

FLY-IN Safaris

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